Monday, April 2, 2012

Strange Addiction

Yeah, photography is my gig and yeah, I have two online stores but that is not all I intend to use this blog for. I love photography, I love writing but don't get me wrong, I love many things and plan to incorporate interesting, unusual items as well.  I am a curious person so here's to a very curious blog with links to fun things I find, links to my online stores, updates, special savings and reflections of the odd world we live in! 

Recently, I discovered the weird world of Pinterest.  What is that all about and why am I addicted? I look at pictures, "pin" them on "boards" and obsessively look at what other people "pin" and get ideas for new "boards" on my Pinterest page of "boards".  It is a vicious cycle that has roped me in and now has an honored spot on my tool bar among my other addictions: Facebook, Email, the non-profit I volunteer for, weather... you know the list! 

My Pinterest page is set up to be humorous.  I don't know if it is or if anyone even looks at my boards.  I get repinned and "likes" (who doesn't like to be liked??) so I imagine some people look. After spending hours searching others' boards and Google images for polka dotted items or places I want to go, I think to myself "why do I love this so much?".  Any ideas?  What is it about that darn website that has a ba-zillion people and pins and boards; all following and being followed.  I never thought stalking would ever be a good thing and something that I like... !  Go ahead, visit me on Pinterest and follow me if you must... :) I won't mind, honest!


  1. Congratulations on your new blog!!! Have fun with it!

  2. I too am seriously addicted to pinterest and have no idea why!

  3. very nice blog!! I love your photos!!

  4. Thank you Carolina! (Sorry for the delay in responding, I never got the notification for this. Thank you for understanding!)

    Hey Steph..... Crazy right?!?!
